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How can CHAPTER 3 COPYEDITING help you? 


Just getting started? Almost completed?


I offer multiple levels of consultation and copyediting to respond to the needs of authors at all stages of their projects:

- Early-stage development of ideas and organizational strategies

- Evaluation and expansion of supporting material

- Clear and concise expression of complex ideas

-Consideration of linguistic tone and register

- Adherence to grammatical and usage conventions



Do you need feedback on scholarly work?


Chapter 3 recognizes the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of humanities scholarship, as well as authors' and publishers' desire to reach as expansive an audience as possible; my edits and suggestions for revision maintain integrity to the author and the field while offering clarity and comprehensibility for a broad, more generalized reading public.


 Do you prefer to write in Spanish but want to publish in English? 

¿Prefiere Ud. escribir en castellano pero busca que su obra se publique en inglés? 


I offer Spanish-to-English translations of scholarly texts that express your ideas in an accurate, natural, polished manner while, to the extent possible, preserving your voice and style. 


Do you speak languages other than English?


Scholars or independent authors whose first language is other than English often benefit from an editorial review that is especially attentive to those issues common to multi-lingual speakers such as article and preposition usage, countable and non-countable nouns, syntax (word order), and linguistic register (word choice).




Through CHAPTER 3 COPYEDITING LLC, I provide professional, comprehensive copyediting, Spanish-to-English translation, 

manuscript evaluation, and consulting & coaching.


I specialize in multi-level editing of scholarly books, monographs, 

journal articles, and conference papers  in literary and cultural studies

and general humanities as well as the translation of these texts

from Spanish to English.  








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